
Remove the barriers to success.

A fully managed SaaS policy administration and feature-rich claims solution pre-loaded with insurance content, workflows, and rules, all customizable for your unique and evolving needs.

SaaS Advantages

Secure and scalable solutions for speed to market. Plus, our SaaS pricing model eliminates large upfront implementation costs. It includes license, hosting, support, implementation, annual managed service hours, and upgrades for a comprehensive annual term fee.

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  • Simplify IT - we manage upgrades, environment, configuration, and more.

  • Control costs - inclusive pricing based on premium volume with no upfront costs.

  • Partner with innovation - we invest in our people and our products to offer the latest technology at the greatest value.

Beyond Market-Ready

Remove the barriers to reach for your potential with our cloud-native, end-to-end policy, billing, and claims solution.

“Key selection criteria for us was a fully supported SaaS solution and a partner that could address the unique needs of professional liability insurers."

Andrew Firth, MIEC’s President

Comprehensive Pricing Strategy

Our inclusive annual fee includes the software license, maintenance, hosting, support, implementation, and a defined number of annual managed service hours. Upgrades and enhancements are pushed monthly, so you will always be on the latest version of OneShield Market Solutions.

  • Implementation included in fees.

  • Annual service hours.

  • Monthly upgrades and enhancements.